Professional Experience

Wayne began his real estate career in 1978 following his graduation from University of Portland. His business focuses primarily now on residential real estate including:

  1. Pre-owned homes
  2. New construction homes
  3. Luxury homes

In addition, Wayne brings extensive experience in land acquisition resulting in hundreds of residential lots in sub-divisions throughout the states of Washington, Oregon, and Idaho. As a partner in a large development company, Wayne’s responsibility included land acquisition, all marketing and sales, oversight of all real estate teams in multiple states for residential, commercial, office, and medical, and multi-family projects.

Here in Vancouver, Wayne has helped many land owners sell their properties that has resulted in beautiful residential communities and also in multifamily communities. Two of the largest communities for multifamily projects resulted in Highland Hills at 600+ and Mission Hills at 550+ apartment homes.

Home Photos
Home Photo
Home Luxury Photo

Community & Outreach Activities

Wayne and his wife Chris have provided help for several decades with ongoing projects in Africa with primary emphasis in Kenya. Projects including Manna Bible Institute, churches, orphanages, medical facilities, schools, libraries, orphans, widows, food programs, hygiene programs and water programs.

Personal Activities

Wayne enjoys golfing, kayaking, cycling, hiking, photography, adventures like Seattle to Portland bike rides, Hood to Coast relay race, marathons, is an avid reader (especially of history), and spending time with his bride Chris of over 33 years.

Let’s Talk

HIf you have ever thought about being able to work with an experienced real estate broker, with a proven track record for getting results, now would be a good time to contact Wayne at or 360-600-8703.